Saturday, August 29, 2009

Daily Dino Fact: More dinos than you’d think (And my question!!)

My question got posted for the second time! Well, it has said my name 3 times but one of them they put instead of someone elses name, they put mine! So, here is the Daily dino Fact!

Q: Do scientists have about an estimated amount of how many dinosaurs there were? -Flyergal
A: The only information we can truly know about how many dinosaurs there were is what we collect from fossils. Obviously, we haven’t recovered every single dinosaur that existed and our numbers are less than what actually lived. In a report released in 1990, Peter Dodson from the University of Pennsylvania estimates there were between 900-1200 genera of dinosaur present on earth during the course of the Mesozoic.
Even he admits that the number is probably smaller than the actual number, but it’s the best estimate we can give based on current data. Currently we’ve collected over 500 genera of dinosaur in addition to 100 genera (called nomen dubium) that may or may not be unique dinosaurs. There are over 100 genera of dinosaur right now waiting approval by the International Committee on Zoological Nomenclature.


  1. Hey Flyergal! Your blog is awesome. Keep up the great work and make sure to work hard at school! Peace, Flyboy-

  2. Flyboy! My first ever mod to comment! Not to mention just about you were about the second person to comment! I will work hard in school!
